Manheim and Meridian Cars—What’s the Deal?

We’ve all done it… Nearly 100% of the time, without thinking twice. Even if we did, we probably wouldn’t care. What’s this common occurrence in the car dealer world? Buying or selling a previously arbitrated or failed post-sale car. Or… in plain language… buying someone’s problem and dumping one of yours on another dealer. If […]
How we do things in the car business is fundamentally flawed

We rely on past data to make present decisions. Let that sink in… In the largest traded asset market that exists…used cars…we treat yesterday’s auction results as today’s reality. We look at things like auction sale results, and use data from deals that are already in the past. But here’s the problem… Every other major […]
“Auctions In the News”

AAR is pleased to bring dealers a new segment, “Auctions in the News” that covers relevant topics prevailing in the auction world. We at AAR want to keep our subscribers up to speed on happenings in our industry. J.D. Power is launching a new online auction, partnering with Superior Integrated Auctions, launching J.D. Power Marketplace, […]
A Conversation with Will Morris, Director of Sales at DealerClub

Earlier this week, I invited 100 professionals on LinkedIn to follow Auto Auction Review. For those unfamiliar, we’re a startup with a mission: provide a platform for dealers to review, rate auctions, and ensure fair practices. Will Morris, Director of Sales at DealerClub, reached out and invited me for a chat. Will told me how […]
Arbitration Woes – Is This Wasting Your Time?

Are you spending too much time dealing with arbitrations? In my previous post, I asked, “Are you happy with the quality of vehicles you buy at auctions?” A buyer friend in Atlanta shared his lengthy arbitration experience: Day 1: Vehicle purchased, arrives by Day 2-3.Day 4: Tech finds a sludge engine. Arbitration filed.Days 5-9: No […]
What Quality of Used Inventory Are You Buying at Auction?

I recently spoke with one of our new dealers at Auto Auction Review. He’s a buyer at a 3-rooftop group in Atlanta and, like many of us, sources a significant number of vehicles from the auction, primarily under $20K inventory. He mentioned that over the last few years, the quality of vehicles he’s bought (from […]
David vs. Goliath: The Fight for Fairness in Auto Auctions

We recently tested the waters with a soft announcement of our start-up, Auto Auction Review through a few LinkedIn posts on my personal page and an email sequence to my existing dealer network. The response was overwhelming. -Emails-Calls-Texts The President of one of the largest groups in the United States was on the phone with […]