Arbitration Woes – Is This Wasting Your Time?
Are you spending too much time dealing with arbitrations?
In my previous post, I asked, “Are you happy with the quality of vehicles you buy at auctions?”
A buyer friend in Atlanta shared his lengthy arbitration experience:
Day 1: Vehicle purchased, arrives by Day 2-3.
Day 4: Tech finds a sludge engine. Arbitration filed.
Days 5-9: No response from the auction.
Day 10: Auction requests documentation and return of vehicle.
Days 12-15: Vehicle returned, confirmed defective.
Day 16-18: Awaiting transport bills and shop records.
Day 19: All documents submitted, still waiting on the title.
Days 21-29: Title received, claim finally processed.
Then, the waiting game begins…
The process dragged out to Day 29 with constant delays—everything from transport back to the auction to title issues.
That’s nearly a month of wasted time!
Meanwhile, this buyer has 5-10 arbitrations going on at any given time, taking away from what actually makes money…
Buying cars.
As one can see, the arbitration journey is long and plodding… with zero compensation for the buyer’s time.
-How much time are you losing to arbitrations?
-Should buyers be compensated for this loss of time?
-What solutions should auctions or sellers implement for faster resolutions?
Let us know in the comments below.
Review. Rate. Resolve.

Dane Hulse
President/Founder | AAR